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Complete the Setup Wizard

Your MSP Name will be filled for you from your Microsoft Tenancy

Enter your Dicker Data API Credentials and MPN ID


Dicker Data Australia partners will need to contact their Account Manager in order to receive API Keys.

Dicker Data New Zealand partners can access via the portal as per the instructions below.

Account Code:

  • This is the account code used to login to, usually a combination of letters and numbers in a short name.

Access Token:

  1. Go to and log in to the portal

  2. "MY ACCOUNT" => "BRANDING" from the top navigation bar

  3. Select Integration from the side nav bar

  4. Request to Generate New Token if the Product Token Key is not filled

  5. Copy paste the product token key into the access token slot


This is your companies Microsoft Partner Network ID and is assigned to you when you become a Microsoft Partner.

Approve the CSP Portal application to access your tenancy & end clients.

What is this and why is it required?

CSP Portal requires access to the details of your clients in order discover and display the assigned users of licenses & verify license counts between the Dicker Data and Microsoft platforms. Without this we are unable to retrieve the subscription details for your clients and thus will be unable to properly sync licensing information from DickerData to your PSA.

We have found using PowerShell is the most reliable way to do this. You can read more here:

How to grant access

Open a PowerShell session as an administrator.

You may need to install the AzureAD Module first.

Install-module AzureAD

Once Installed, enter the following commands


$group = Get-AzureADGroup -Filter "displayName eq 'Adminagents'"

$sp = Get-AzureADServicePrincipal -Filter "appId eq '05304c38-3730-409c-a124-ecd8e3d2350b'"

Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId $group.ObjectId -RefObjectId $sp.ObjectId

Upon completing this powershell script, it can take around 5 minutes to propagate the permission change.  You can click the “Test Connection” button on the left to test that the application has the correct access.

Select your PSA, and enter API details


Company Name:

Company Name within Connectwise

Connectwise URL:

Service URL that you log into your Connectwise from

Public Key + Private Key:

  1. Log in to the Connectwise client as an admin user

  2. Go to settings => Members => API Members

  3. Create a new member for the CSP Portal and fill out all mandatory fields

  4. Save the member

  5. Go to the header API Keys

  6. Create a new API Key with a name related to the CSP Portal

  7. Save the key and copy paste the public and private keys into the fields on the portal


Service URL:

URL Used to login to the autotask client

Authentication ID + Key:

The ID is the Login Username of an API User and the Key is the Login Password of an API User

To Create an API User:

  1. Login to your autotask website

  2. Create an API User within autotask

  3. Enter the login username into the Authentication ID Field

  4. Enter the login password into the Authentication Key Field

Configure users that are allowed to modify licensing from your organisation

  • Simply drag users from Unallowed Users to Allowed Users, or search to filter the list.

  • Click Save User List when finished
